In this message Sam Gray explores the commitment of the disciples in Acts 1, and how they were able to find delight in seemingly mundane and repetitive activities. Join us as we explore this truth!
In this podcast, Pastor takes us on a journey to explore what began as a simple whisper from the Holy Spirit to him. Basically, could it be possible that what seems like a simple character flaw is actually causing serious damage to your process? Could you be hindering your inheritance? Join us to find out more!
In our time together today, Sam Gray explains how hearing the shepherds voice leads us into rest. Psalm 23 and Hebrews 4:7 are a reminder that there is safety in the voice of Yahweh and authority. If we will see Him as our shepherd and honor His voice, it will lead us into rest. Be encouraged that if today you will hear His voice, peace and joy will lead you into His rest.
In this message, Pastor Bryn takes a scripture that is most commonly used during the current political climate and reveals the hidden kingdom truth. The scripture 2 Chronicles 7:14 at it’s core is the story of a father, David, handing dreams to a son, Solomon, and a son completing a promise that was given to his father. An entire nation was able to turn, humble themselves and hear from heaven because a father handed a blueprint to a son that created generational legacy. Join us today as we learn what it truly takes to turn a nation back to God.
In this podcast, Sam Gray walks us through several Old Testament passages, to show us Yahweh's pattern of calling us to formlessness. Listen in as we navigate what this call means to us, and how we can respond.